Dragon Age InquisitionGLITCHES

Dragon Age Inquisition ITEM DUPLICATION Glitch

Dragon Age Inquisition is a challenging RPG with weapons, armour and items always being in demand. Luckily, there’s a new item duplication glitch that can give you any and all of those things! If you fancy more money, just use this glitch and sell your spares. Here’s a working, quick and easy Dragon Age Inquisition item duplication glitch that you can use to no end! 

How To Do The Dragon Age Inquisition Item Duplication Glitch

Step 1

First you’ll want to head to the Skyhold Undercroft.

Step 2

Opposite the door to the Main Hall there should be a storage chest. Open that up and place the item you’d like to duplicate in there. You can do this multiple times but you’ll only want to duplicate one item per glitch. 

Step 3 

Back out of the storage chest and then head back in. Double check that you only have one item in there and you may want to save here in case the glitch crashes the game. 

Step 4

Now for the final step! While the storage chest is open (with your item in there), you’ll want to press both the Withdraw button and the Back button AT THE SAME TIME. If it’s not at the same time this glitch won’t work. Open up the chest again and actually withdraw your item, open up your inventory, and you should now have 2 of those items! 

So there you go! A super overpowered, yet simple, Dragon Age Inquisition item duplication glitch that you can repeat time and time again. You can use this simply multiple good weapons or armour, but it’s best used when you duplicate your most expensive item and sell it! Whatever you do with this glitch, make sure to exploit the hell out of it! 

How did you make use of this awesome glitch? Let us know in the comments below or on our Twitter page. Check out our YouTube channel too! 

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