
Greedfall Item Duplication Glitch

The land of Teer Fradee can be a tough and unforgiving place. If you find yourself in need of some more ammo and health potions to help you through your time on the island, or just fancy making some quick money, then this is Greedfall item duplication glitch is for you!

How to do the Greedfall item duplication glitch

Step 1 

Find yourself an empty chest. Any chest, anywhere in the game as long as it’s empty!


Step 2

Put the items you want to multiply in the chest with an item you have a lot of.  

For this to work you’ll need another item that you have more of and falls into the inventory tab on the left or right of the item you’re multiplying. For instance, if you want to multiply a consumable, put an ingredient you have 100 of in the chest as well.  


Step 3

Change inventory tab and take the item you have 100 of at the same time  .

If you pull off this step correctly, you will be given the option to take the 100 ingredient items, but the chest interface will have the consumable highlighted.  

Step 4

Repeat as needed!

If done correctly, you will instead take out 100 of the consumables leaving the original consumable and 100 of the ingredient items still in the chest. You can continue doing this indefinitely for massive amounts of consumables to use or sell. This method works for any pair of items in adjacent tabs! 

That should do it for the Greedfall item duplication glitch, all the items you could ever want or need. So get out there and exploit away! 

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