The Last Of Us Part 2

The Last of Us Part 2 Safe Locations And Combinations In Order

Players are probably just getting stuck in and figuring things out on The Last of Us Part 2. However, some players will already be looking for gear and extra upgrades to get ahead. Luckily for you, we have a complete guide on where to find all The Last of Us Part 2 safe locations in order. 

All The Last of Us Part 2 safe locations in order:

Current ChapterCodeItems
Jackson – Patrol07-20-13supplements + scrap
Seattle Day 1 – Downtown60-23-06supplements + scrap
Seattle Day 1 – Downtown04-51pump action shotgun + an easter egg
Seattle Day 1 – Downtown86-07-22supplements + scrap + health pack + trading card
Seattle Day 1 – Capitol Hill55-01-33ammo + health pack
Seattle Day 1 – Tunnels1-5-2-4-3ammo + supplements + crafting supplies
Seattle Day 2 – Hillcrest30-82-65gun holster + scrap + ammo + crafting supplies
Seattle Day 2 – The Seraphites10-08-83scrap + ammo + crafting supplies
Seattle Day 2 – The Seraphites38-55-23ammo + supplements + a health kit + crafting supplies + an explosive arrow
Seattle Day 3 – The Flooded City70-12-64scrap + supplements + ammo + crafting supplies
Seattle Day 1 – On Foot17-38-07the hunting pistol +  ammo
Seattle Day 1 – Hostile Territory68-96-89supplements + ammo + crafting supplies + health bar
Seattle Day 1 – The Coast90-77-01scrap + supplements, +  a training manual
Seattle Day 2 – The Shortcut30-23-04scrap + ammo + crafting supplies
Seattle Day 2 – The Descent12-18-79supplements + crafting supplies

Jackson Patrol Safe (supplements + scrap)

While you’re out patrolling with Dina you’ll come across a market the other side of a truck.

  1. Head Inside
  2. Go through the rooms until you find a gap in the wall
  3. Force yourself through the gap  and you’ll find a safe behind the first door on your right
  4. The code is located on the notice board just outside, it’s “07 20 13”

Downtown Seattle Courthouse Safe (supplements + scrap)

The safe is inside the Courthouse.

  1. You’ll need to locate and climb the truck, this will help you reach a window
  2. Head through the window
  3. Prepare to batter some infected
  4. Once clearing it out, you can access the basement this is where you can reach the safe
  5. Head over to the office next to the elevators
  6. Smash the windows and climb on in
  7. The combination ison the whiteboard, it’s  “86 07 22”

Downtown Seattle Courthouse Safe Westlake Bank Vault (pump action shotgun + an easter egg)

  1. Get to the downtown seattle bank and squeeze through the gap at the base of the building
  2. You’ll have a nice chunk of infected to sort out, so take your time
  3. You can find the vault behind the cashier counters.
  4. The combination is “60 23 06” you can find the code in the bag next to the body next to the door.
  5. Added tip: Check the drawers for a little…. something.

Downtown Seattle Gate West 2 Safe (supplements + scrap + health pack + trading card)

  1. This safe is at the checkpoint, there’s a gap in a fence to squeeze through
  2. You’ll see a message on a wall nearby that tells you to use the gate code (you’ll have this on a note titled ‘Checkpoint Gate Codes’
  3. The code is “0451” a cheeky little nod to Deus Ex (this is a code to open a vault in Deus Ex.)

Capitol Hill Thrift Store Safe (ammo + health pack)

  1. Near the end of the Capitol Hill level you’ll arrive at a location littered with trip mines
  2. Taking extra caution, keep walking until you pass a Martial Arts gym and find a thrift shop filled with furniture near a yellow taxi.
  3. Head through the door and go to the back, you’ll find a noticeboard with a letter that says ‘the last six digits of Staci’s phone number is the combination to the safe’.
  4. Now head through the door on the right, you’ll find the phone number witten on the bathroom wall, the safe code is “55 01 33”
  5. You’ll find the safe through the door on the left
  6. Extra tip: There’s a clicker waiting for you by the safe… Good luck!

The Tunnels Safe
(ammo + supplements + crafting supplies)

  1. You’re in The Tunnels and most likely just had your ass handed to you by a Shambler
  2. Locate a very narrow corridor with a few side doors, one of these will lead into a break room, it should have vending machines and a coffee pot.
  3. Locate the other door, which is locked with a… you guessed it, a combination
  4. Just around the corner there’s a note on a table, it basically tells you to get a soda, then you’ll receive the code
  5. You can either do this by smashing the vending machine open, you’ll get the first half of the code, and it’ll tell you to figure the rest out for yourself
  6. Considering there’s only five buttons it isn’t too hard, but to save time, it’s “15 2 43”

Hillcrest Garage Safe (gun holster + scrap + ammo + crafting supplies)

  1. Move the green dumpster to access the back alley at Hillcrest
  2. Head to the location with the hair salon, a bike store, and a tattoo parlour
  4. Then you’ll notice the safe
  5. The code is a across the street in a pet shop… so here it is “30 82 65”

The Seraphites Apartment Bedroom Safe (scrap + ammo + crafting supplies)

  1. It’s time to head to route 5 ready to make it to the hospital you’ll eventually see an apartment block.
  2. Although the front door is locked, you can climb the truck outside to reach the balcony and get yourself into the upper floor apartment on the right, by breaking the window.
  3. Check the table, it’s the same idea here, you’ll find a message telling you the safe combination is ‘set to a wedding date’
  4. Head to the back to reach the door, it leads to both a safe and a calendar with ‘30th Anniversary: 10/08/13’
  5. The code is “10 08 83”

The Seraphites Weston’s Pharmacy Safe (ammo + supplements + a health kit + crafting supplies + an explosive arrow)

  1. You’ve just had your first run in with the Seraphites and now you’ll have a little swim to the next part of the city, until you reach Weston’s Pharmacy.
  2. Behind the cash register you’ll find a letter, it says the safe code is “38 55 23”
  3. The safe is hidden, it’s through a small hole in the wall between two shelving units

The Flooded City Safe (scrap + supplements + ammo + crafting supplies)

  1. Whilst slowly maneuvering the flooded city in your boat, you’ll eventually reach a gate you can’t pass until you use a chain to pull it
  2. Of course the safe is next to it in a locked off area
  3. Head to the stairs and you’ll find a room above you
  4. In there you’ll find a body with a note, the note has the safe code which is “70 12 64”
  5. Move the trolley out of the way to find a small hole
  6. Get in there, crawl through for the safe and extra supplies


Seattle Day 1 On Foot Safe (the hunting pistol +  ammo)

  1. Once you’re out of the boat hangar you’ll come across a small cabin
  2. Breaking the window, and get inside
  3. Inside you’ll find a note talking about some guns hidden away, and how ‘the big win’ is the combination.
  4. There’s a Lotto number on the noticeboard, the numbers circled are the numbers you’re looking for –  “17 38 07”
  5. The safe is in the building opposite as you come out of the cabin
  6. Head through the little hole by the palettes

Hostile Territory Jasmine Bakery Safe (supplements + ammo + crafting supplies + health bar)

  1. Whilst in the Hostile Territory mission you’ll reach a narrow street full of shops.
  2. Head into Jasmine Bakery, the first door on your left has a safe behind it
  3. The combination is “68 96 89”, if you want to find the code for yourself, you’ll have to take on some Clickers.
  4. Leave the bakery, second door on your left, head upstairs, kill the Clickers, your combination is in a letter on the far side of the room.

Seattle Day 1 The Coast Boat Safe (scrap + supplements, +  a training manual).

  1. Whilst heading through the coast you’ll eventually reach a ship that’s been beached
  2. Head upstairs, go through the door
  3. You’ll net yourself a nifty little crossbow, as well as the safe combination at the end of the corridor – “90 77 01”
  4. Head through the ship, you’ll naturally find the bridge which will lead you to the safe

Seattle Day 2 The Shortcut Apartment Safe (scrap + ammo + crafting supplies)

  1. On your way to Sky Bridges you’ll pass through some apartments
  2. In the first room there’s a letter that talks of a safe
  3. The combination is a… combination of the room numbers “30 23 04”
  4. The safe is in the bedroom

Seattle Day 3 The Descent Gym Safe ( supplements + crafting supplies)

  1. After plummeting into a swimming pool from the sky bridge you’ll be in a gym.
  2. The safe is in a small store room just in front of the desk
  3. Turn right and you’ll see a coffee shop with a noticeboard in the kitchen, there’s a note on the board that tells you the safe code is the same as the Wifi password… really secure guys… the code is “12 18 79”

That’s all The Last of Us Part 2: All 14 Safe Locations and Combinations, if you have any questions give us a shout on Twitter, we always reply.
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Liam Bartlett

Always chooses the Fire-Type Pokemon.

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