The Last Of Us UNLIMITED Shivs Glitch

The Last Of Us II has been getting so much attention lately, but seeing Ellie’s face everywhere has had me nostalgic for the original game, The Last Of Us. And with a revisit to an old game comes the need for old glitches! So here’s one that allows you to craft unlimited shivs. If you’ve played the game before then you know how important shivs can be… (*hears clicks in the distance*) If you haven’t, then trust me, you need this glitch. Without further ado, here’s our The Last Of Us UNLIMITED Shivs Glitch!

Step 1 – Equip Yourself! 

Make sure you have an upgraded melee weapon equipped, it doesn’t matter what type or whether you crafted it. Find another melee weapon that is available on the ground, again, it doesn’t matter what type! This one doesn’t have to be upgraded. 

Step 2 – Swap Em’ Out! 

Swap your upgraded weapon for the un-upgraded weapon on the floor, and very quickly swap them back again. 

Step 3 – CRAFT And Repeat! 

Go into your crafting section and you should be able to craft one shiv. You can now just repeat these steps until you’re maxed out! This works with any melee weapon, anywhere, so once you’ve run out again, just execute this glitch. 

So there you have it, our The Last Of Us UNLIMITED Shivs Glitch! This glitch is great for grounded mode where there’s limited resources as you can pretty much fill your boots! 

How did this glitch help your gameplay? Let us know in the comments or on our Twitter! For more glitches and exploits click here