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Cyberpunk 2077 XP Farming Exploit

There’s no doubt that most of our readers are extremely busy playing through Cyberpunk 2077 now that it has FINALLY been released. If you’re able, then pry your eyes away for one moment. Here’s a brilliant Cyberpunk Punk 2077 XP farming exploit that you’ll certainly want to abuse the cyber-crap out of! 

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First, Travel

Before you can do any farming, you’ll first have to situate yourself in the prime location. Head to the Ripperdoc in Kabuki marked on the map below and get ready to follow the next steps! 

Location of the XP farming exploit
The Gaming Freelancer Hub

Necessary Civilian Casualties

Hopefully you’re not running on too many moral values at this point in the game because you’re going to need to shoot some people in the market! You’ll want to get your Wanted status up to about 3 stars.

Killing people to start XP farming exploit in the market

XP Earned In Bloodshed

Once you’ve got your Wanted status to a good level, Police and robots will start arriving. You can kill the Police for some XP but you’ll get more from the robots! Once you’ve got all the ones in the market, head inside the building and your Wanted status will drop immediately. 

Kill robots to get the XP
The Gaming Freelancer Hub

It’s Harvest-Season!

You can now keep heading out to the market, kill some people, kill the robots, and farm that XP! 

Shows reset of the wanted status in order to repeat the XP exploit

Repeating this Cyberpunk 2077 XP farming exploit should allow you to increase your strength, your Reflexes, and your Technical Abilities in no time! Now go on, get back to your binge-gaming! 

For more exploits like this, check out our YouTube channel or head to this page

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