Fall Guys Tip Top Tips!

If you’ve played Fall Guys then you certainly have a love-hate relationship with it. If you haven’t, then that’s probably a daunting concept. But don’t worry! We’ve put together a bunch of Fall Guys tip top tips that will help anyone (especially beginners) perfect the most popular maps and beat the masses! 

Slime Climb Tips

As previously mentioned in the glitches and exploits guide, the sliding pillars in slime climb can be grabbed onto. If done correctly you’ll be taken through the map! 

Instead of going fully around the corners, try to jump onto the next ledge from the one you’re on, you could cut a few milliseconds here.  

Hex-A-Gone Tips

If you’re above a certain age then thinking of this map as kind of like Snake may help you! If you remember your methods from way-back-when then use them to your advantage here. 

In case you don’t know or haven’t figured it out yet, you jump as far as one hex so keep that in mind when avoiding gaps. 

See Saw Tips

Aim for the middle of the platform when you jump. This will give you more time to decide which direction to go and could stop you slipping off! 

Use the momentum of the tilting platforms to raise and lower the base you’re currently standing. Now so you can safely jump to the next.

The Whirlygig Tips

Try to move against the direction the bars are coming from. It’ll be much easier for you to dodge them when you can see them coming! 

Again, while dealing with the spinning bars, angle your camera so that you can always see the bars coming. 

Gate Crash Tips

Try to avoid the gates with rubber pillars in the way. When there’s more than 5 or so players going for one of those gates it can get very difficult very quickly. 

When you slide down the slope at the end of the level, aim for a gate that’s closed when you’re at the top. By the time you get to the bottom it should hopefully be open! 

That’s all of our Fall Guys tip top tips. They should help on some of the more popular maps where your competition has an advantage simply from having played more. Now you should have the upper hand! 

How did you find these tips? Let us know in the comments below or on our Twitter

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