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The BEST Way To LEVEL Fast In Elden Ring! 25 MILLION Runes An HOUR!

We’ve all seen it, but it’s about time I covered it! This is easily my favourite way to level up in Elden Ring. I’m level 225 now so it takes me a good few Runes before I can actually level, and this just cuts down on time.

Just so you believe me about the 25 Million an hour, I’ll quickly show you the maths. It takes just under 2 seconds to do this once and you get 14,000 Runes each time. Times that by 30 to show how many Runes you can get a minute, which is 420,000. Now times that by how many minutes there are in an hour and you get 25,200,000.

Obviously sometimes you’ll take a little longer or you’ll do one a little quicker, so the amount you get in an hour will vary a little. 

All you need for this farm is a bow and some arrows, Or a staff and the Rock Sling spell. And then you’ll also need access to Palace Approach Ledge-Road. The quickest way I found to get access to this location, is to do White Mask Varre’s quest line and use the medallion he gives you to teleport to the audience grounds,, then just run backwards and follow the road to the Site of Grace

It might also be worth getting the Gold Scarab Talisman for a 20% Rune boost, I’ll share the location on screen now! And while you’re at it grab a Gold Pickled Fowl Foot for an even further Rune boost.

Step 1

Spawn at the Site of Grace


Buy cheap Runes+10 weapons, and any item you need from U4GM! Use code Exploits for 5% off of your order!

Step 2

Look North-West over the ledge and you’ll see a big creepy bird

Step 3

Shoot the bird and it’ll freak out and jump off of the cliff

Boom! You’ll get 14k. Something to note here, if you wait until night time at the Site of Grace you’ve got a chance to kill a bird with red eyes which gives you around 70k.

If you really wanted to up the amount of Runes you get in this location, you could then turn around and start slaying the sea of sleeping frog men. A lot of people use this as a really reliable farm as they give 2.5k per kill, and the red eyed frog bois give you around 15k.

If you have a weapon that has an arc projectile you could hit lots of enemies at once, even a low level spell such as the Glinstone Arc can be incredibly useful here! 

Let us know how you get on with this guide over on Twitter
For more glitches you can head over to this page or check out our YouTube channel!

Have fun! 

Liam Bartlett

Always chooses the Fire-Type Pokemon.