Call of Duty

10 Call of Duty Warzone Tips To Help You Win Duos, Trios, And Quads

Despite it being the newest on the market, Call of Duty Warzone is one of the biggest battle royale games right now! Everyone and their mum is hopping online to secure themselves a scrumptious dub.

But sometimes, for whatever reason, good players find it hard to get the win when they squad up. Hopefully our list of tips will give you and your team the push you need to “slot those bastards”.


This is a simple step that everybody says they do, but in reality, NOBODY does it!
Start the game by marking a contract, and make sure everyone in your team knows that they are landing exactly where that contract is.

There’s a chance not everyone in your team will get a gun initially, however the starting pistol is surprisingly efficient, and a full team using them in one room is far more effective than one guy with a machine gun.

This also applies when traversing Verdansk! Mid-game, late-game, it doesn’t matter, stick together and push as a team.

Nobody else does this, so once your team starts doing it, you’ll find yourselves in easy 4 on 1 situations a lot!


This shouldn’t even be a tip… but here we are. Let’s be very clear here, once you’ve landed, don’t get caught out looting!

There’s nothing more embarrassing than dying because you have your nose to the ground, picking through weapons, ammo, and perks.

As soon as your feet touch the ground, don’t be picky, grab a gun, then secure the perimeter with your team (remembering to stick together.)

Once you know it’s safe, loot away.


This is such an important tip. Let’s say you’ve completely ignored tip one, your Duos partner is 150m away from you and hiding behind cover. Two enemies have him pinned down, shooting from a rooftop. Whether you see them or not, SPRAY. AT. THAT. ROOFTOP.

Laying down some covering fire will cause the team to get distracted long enough for your partner to get out of the danger zone. If you can hit the enemy, even better!

The same goes when a teammate has been downed, if you’re not close enough to kill the enemy, spray in their direction. Chances are, the enemy will be so distracted they won’t finish off your teammate.


Unfortunately, if you can’t see the enemy, they can still see you!

With that in mind, pick your head up! Everybody does it, even pros find themselves looking at the ground when running.

This makes gun fights incredibly hard, because snapping into position to secure the kill is a lot harder when you have to push your crosshair upwards even before aiming, costing valuable seconds.

By the time you’ve pushed your crosshair up and aimed, the enemy has already aimed at you and popped off a shot or two. Look up. Prepare yourself for a gun fight.


Sometimes players will be too anxious to push enemies or take action in a tough spot. This could be because they’re in a good position or have just got their loadout. Regardless of the reason, it’s counter productive!

Being timid will get you killed, hiding when you’re outnumbered is a good strategy, but refusing to push a 1v1 because you’re worried you’ll be sent back to lobby, is going to stunt your growth as a player.

Take risks, if they don’t pay off, learn from them, you can always start another game.


If you’re serious about becoming a better player, clip a few games, watch them back, and be critical. Figure out what you did wrong, and actively try to do the opposite next time you play.


This one is pretty self explanatory, make sure SOMEBODY on your team has a good ol’ Hearty B.


Before the ping system, squads would have to work together by communicating, shouting locations on the map or calling out points of interest around them. This doesn’t seem to happen as much, now that clicking a button does it for you.

The ping system alongside players using call outs can be an unstoppable combination. Shouting things like “He’s in the red house, top floor, back room”, “he’s low on health”, “I’ve cracked her armour, rush in!”, or “I’m reloading” are some call outs that wouldn’t translate well for players only using the ping system.


Ever noticed that there’s always that one player with $13.5k while everyone else is sitting on $400? This doesn’t help anybody, try to always keep your money evenly distributed amongst the team.

If the player with all the cash goes down, people are going to have to wait longer to be bought back.


The most simple play you and your team can do, and also the most effective, is pinching. If you have the drop on a team, find out where they all are by observing.
Once you’ve located the whole enemy team, flank them, one member of your team should get up high and use a sniper (only if you have a good sniper on your team.)

This strategy can be used in an active gunfight too. Although, it’s harder to flank undetected.


– Spray enemies bright colours while waiting in the Gulag

– When an enemy pops a UAV, stand on a piece of furniture so they think you’re on the second floor of a building

– Mark a Precision Airstrike or Cluster Strike at your feet while under enemies who are at the top of a skyscraper. This won’t alert them as it is technically activated too far from them.

– Make sure somebody on your team is carrying a smoke grenade in case of sniper ambushes

– When the gas is closing in, it will move faster on the wider gaps

– Most shotguns are terrible and will lose you the fight

– Get money and get a loadout asap

– favour UAVs over Cluster Strikes and Precision Airstrikes

– If you’re going to drive a vehicle, always pop a Trophy System on top of it first

– Whenever in a gunfight DON’T run out into the open, always use cover!

Have any questions? Reach out to us on Twitter, we always reply! Looking for the ultimate loadout for Warzone? Check it out here.

Liam Bartlett

Always chooses the Fire-Type Pokemon.

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