Days Gone

Days Gone Infinite Crafting Materials Exploit

Resources can be scarce in post-apocalyptic Oregon. You and Deacon St.John are going to need all the help you can get. Luckily, we’ve got a Days Gone Infinite Crafting Materials exploit here to get you all the crafting materials you could possibly want.  

How To Do The Days Gone Infinite Crafting Materials Exploit

Find a Resource Rich Area

For instance, the Sawmill. The Sawmill is one of the best places in the game to grab some easy materials. Otherwise, what you’re looking for, is an area with an easily accessible bundle of supplies. Where you go will depend on what you need. As you go through the game, make sure to make a mental note of particularly big hordes of loot. 

Get Deacon to Take a Long Nap

Early on in the game, you get a bed to sleep in. Sleep in this, or any possible, bed 5 times in a row. Upon your 5th wake up, The Resources will have replenished. Now you can collect, sleep and collect again. 

Done right, this Days Gone Infinite Crafting Materials exploit can be one of the faster ways of gaining materials. Stay safe out there and try not to get bitten! 

Have any questions? Drop us a message on Twitter, we always reply! For more exploits and glitches on your favourite games, jump over to this page. Or visit our YouTube channel. 

Oli Higgs

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