The Witcher 3

How To Make Easy Money At Any Level In The Witcher 3.

The Witcher 3 is one of the best games in current memory and the recent TV show has got us taking on the Wild Hunt once more. But wait, can’t afford those Gwent cards? Not quite enough money to buy that last Dimeritium Plate? Well look no further, it’s our any level money making guide to help you make some easy money in the Witcher 3!

Want even MORE money??

You can also check out our best money making guide for the Witcher 3 HERE

Making money at any level.

All you need to get this done is a bomb (we’ll come onto that!) and a bit of patience. If you already know about bombs and have some that can destroy monsters nests then skip to part 4 of this guide. 

Step 1.

First, the bomb. At the beginning of the game, Geralt has access to some basic crafting recipes. One of these is the bomb ‘Samum’. This bomb is easily crafted by collecting 1 Saltpepper and 2 Celandine flowers. The ingredients cost less than 40 gold in total which makes this bomb the most accessible to everyone.‘Dancing Star’ and ‘Grapeshot’ bombs will also work and can be unlocked later on in the game.

Step 2.

Both these ingredients can be found by exploring the world. Celandine is a common yellow flower and Saltpepper is a common alchemy ingredient that can be found randomly in boxes and sacks in the world as you explore. Alternatively you can buy both these ingredients from vendors in the starting area of White Orchard (as well as vendors across the wider world). 

The White Orchard vendors are Tomira, the local herbalist of White Orchard (circled in blue)  or a herbalist found by the roadside shrine east of the Abandoned Village (circled in green). Please note that the abandoned village must be cleared of enemies before the herbalist will spawn.

Additionally, Celandine can also be purchased from a vendor at the Saw Mill found to the west near Tomira’s location (circled in red). This site must also be cleared of enemies before the vendor becomes accessible. 

Step 3.

When you have all the ingredients, go into your menu and craft the ‘Samum’ bomb. 

Step 4.

Now we are ready to make some money! What we are looking for are monsters nests. You can spot these quite easily on your map as they have a unique symbol as shown on the below. If you can’t see the monster nest symbol, it means that you haven’t explored that location yet. In which case you will see lots of question marks dotted across your map. As you explore more of the game, the easier it will be to locate monster nests. The map below will show you the location of monster nests in White Orchard but if you are further in the game then any nest will do.

Travel to one of these monster nests and kill the monsters surrounding it. In White Orchard these will be ghouls nests. Once you have killed them all, approach the nest. You will be prompted to ‘destroy’ the nest. Press the relevant button and Geralt will drop a bomb into the nest. Step back and wait for the explosion. Be careful as sometimes an extra monster can spawn from destroying the nest! Kill that too. 

Step 5.

Now, loot the nest BUT be careful not to loot everything! Leave behind one item in the nest! This can be anything you like but to make the most money, leave behind a common, grey item such as a skull. 

Step 6.

Next, mediate for 5 ingame days. When done you should be able to loot the nest again and everything will have returned for you to loot once more! Once more, leave a common item in the nest and rest again for 5 days and the loot will reappear. Repeat until full! If you have rested for 5 days and the loot does not reappear, try resting for a further day and it should now appear. (We tested this and it works!) 

But what can I loot?

Each monster nest can contain some valuable bits and pieces including some valuable glyphs and runestones which can be worth hundreds! Take your new loot to a vendor and sell it. You should now have quite a bit of money depending on how many times you reset the nest.

How viable is this in late game?

One of the best things about this is that you can use it on each and every nest throughout the game and, as you progress and the monsters get more difficult to kill, the rewards are more profitable. In some cases we found large glyphs which we could sell for 600 upwards to certain vendors! 

Enjoyed this guide? Let us know!

So get out there, ruin some monster homes and grab some gold! Let us know the biggest score you looted and where in the comments below! 

Chris Westwood

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