Just Cause 4: Unlimited XP and Infinite Chaos

Max out completely in Just Cause 4, this simple glitch will give you unlimited XP and level you up in no time.

Step 1.

After completing Project Illapa go to this location near ‘Laderas Rojas’

Step 2.

Cause some chaos and get some heat after you!

Step 3.

Get under the bridge between the first pillar and the rocks.

Step 4.

Fly back and forth between the pillar and the rocks and earn yourself an easy 250,000 XP every minute.

Step 5.

Keep zipping back and forth between the pillar and rocks, whilst shooting up at the choppers every now and then, and you’ll hit max level and squad in no time at all!

You can find more glitches to the games you love here! Have an idea for a glitch, hack, or exploit? Let us know on Twitter!

Liam Bartlett

Always chooses the Fire-Type Pokemon.

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