Vampyr Money Making Guide

The moody, dark atmosphere and wave of tough enemies aren’t the only frightening thing players face in DontNod’s Vampyr. Even scarier are challenges like obtaining enough experience to be competitive. Trickiest of all though is affording anything worthwhile from the various merchants. Thankfully, there’s a few simple things you can do to make the most out of the resources available. You may get to buy a weapon or two from Milton! Here’s our Vampyr money making guide.

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Always Be Looting

It may sound obvious but there’s more of value laying around than just the piles of shillings scattered around the dilapidated homes of post-WW1 London. The most direct source of income the game has is small piles of shillings. However, those rarely exceed amounts over 5. A better selection of sources includes enemies, boxes, trash bins, and cupboards will provide you with sellable and un-craftable loot/junk.

Break Down Rare Items Where Possible

Sellable junk in your inventory will often have tempting descriptions that feature the phrase “good resale value”. But there’s more money to be made with them. Hunt down your crafting table in any of the available hideouts and exchange your pill boxes and cigarette cases for ample amounts of chemical substances and machine parts. Loot rarity is critical here as well, the best returns from this method will come from blue and green rarity materials.

Sell the hundreds Of Excess Supplies For Profit

By the midway point of the game, if you’ve been following these two previous steps, you should find yourself with hundreds of spare chemical substances and access to more merchants. As long as a majority of the city citizens aren’t desperately sick, feel free to exchange that surplus of supplies for quite a lot of spare change. Now you should be empowered by that extra change to purchase unique weapons. Upgrade materials too, (like rivets and white phosphorus) that would normally be far too costly, are now also available.

These steps are designed to reduce some of the frustration of the early game of Vampyr. However, there’s still plenty of other struggles to overcome. Everything from hoarding ammunition (because it can’t be bought) or running away from most enemies because they don’t offer remotely enough experience, aren’t issues this guide can assist with. But, for everything else please keep your eyes peeled for more helpful guides, tips, and exploits right here.

That’s it for our Vampyr money making guide. Have any questions? Drop us a message on Twitter, we always reply! For more exploits and glitches on your favourite games, jump over to this page. Or visit our YouTube channel.

Tony Ray

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