Game-Breaking Bug on League of Legends

After Kayn, Poppy suddenly wanted her turn at becoming capable of hitting enemies from the fountain.

The Kayn Bug returns to League of Legends for the third time in a few months, This time it’s affecting Poppy. The bug started back three years ago when China players were using Ornn’s W exploit which eventually got him banned. Then just only a few weeks back it was the Champion Kayn who was being used. Luckily Riot disabled the bug fast before much damage was done.

However, As soon as Riot disables one bug, There always seems to be another one popping up. This time it’s with Poppy. Which some say is the easiest in history to replicate.

The Bug

Respected and Prolific League Bug Finder ‘Vandril’ posted on the 18th of June. Displaying how easy it is to pull off in-game. There are only two steps. Lock in Poppy as your champion and acquire the ‘Hexflash’ that is it. 

If poppy uses flash in the base as the gates were coming down at the start of the game. Then used Hexflash whilst in the fountain. A global range Q would be accessed, This allows Poppy to hit everything on the map including, Enemies, Minions, Jungle Camps, and everything else in her path.

This means that enemies could hardly leave their base before they were killed by Poppy over and over again.

Video by Vandril

So, Obviously you probably would have been able to tell that this has been used and exploited a lot recently. Players have been using this bug to rack up hundreds of kills whilst the enemy has been whimpering at the base. 

Not only was facing Poppy probably a bad start to some of these players’ day, Awaiting them back on the menu would be a swift ban from Riot. Intentionally feeding would be the reason for this ban and for some it would be 14 days and for others, this ban is their last strike which means they won’t return. 

The Result

The Hexflash rune is currently disabled if you try to play, This way no one can replicate this no more. Riot is looking at a way to patch it out so players can’t rack up hundreds of kills just standing in base.

If you try to equip Hexflash in the Inspiration tree, your rune choice will automatically swap to Perfect Timing. Of course, For a champion like Thresh or Leona, this may be annoying— so maybe stray away from them for the time being.

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Liam Bartlett

Always chooses the Fire-Type Pokemon.