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Unlock EVERYTHING on Call of Duty Mobile

A lot of things now in gaming comes down to how you look whilst doing it. Cosmetics have been a big part of gaming since the early 2000s. But, there is something fairly new to the mobile gaming community to hit the market. These are ++ versions of games filled with micro-transactions, and this is how you’re going to unlock EVERYTHING on Call of Duty Mobile. 

What is a ++ game?

A ‘++’ game as mentioned before is a version of the already installed game on your Android APK or IOS device that skips the part where you spend between $30-$300 a month on looking good whilst killing your friends online. A ‘++’ game is the new way to have everything unlocked and not having to spend a penny more than the game originally cost you on download. 

Unlock Everything on Call of Duty Mobile

Step 1

Go into your settings whether you’re an IOS or Android user. Find the ‘Background Refresh’ options and press the ‘Wi-fi & Cellular option. (Very Crucial)

Step 2 

Visit Tweakville, The site is a marketplace for programs and ‘++’ apps that can help you avoid those micro transactions in games.

Step 3

Search for ‘Call of Duty Mobile ++’ either on the home page or in the search bar

Step 4

Once you’ve found this app, You need to ‘Inject’ this into your device. Depending on internet speeds, this can take from 30-40 seconds to inject fully.

Step 5

Once downloaded, Download 2 of the apps in the suggestions and open them for 30 seconds each. DON’T SIGN UP OR TOUCH ANYTHING

Step 6

Delete the Apps as they are now void and you will see the application on your device. 

Step 7

Load it up and sign in, You will see you have everything unlocked including the battlepasses and the special items, weapons, camos & specialists. 

Did you find this exploit difficult? If so then please write to us on Twitter. We always respond to your questions to help. Any more questions then please feel free to message or comment down below. To read more articles on Call of Duty then click here.

Liam Bartlett

Always chooses the Fire-Type Pokemon.