For anyone looking to beat Starscourge Radahn in Elden Ring, this is arguably the easiest method! It’s not quite a cheese, but it’s easier than fighting him.

If you’re worried about geting too close to Starscourge Radahn to beat him, with this strategy, you’ll only need to get close to him 4 times. After this, you’ll be able to stand back and watch him take damage.

The Setup

Before you go charging in to destroy Radahn, there is a little bit of groundwork to be done. It doesn’t take long, and you’ll be very glad you did it.

Dragon Heart

To start, you’ll need a dragon heart. It sounds like a lot, but these aren’t difficult to get at all. You have a few options, but the best two would be either beating Flying Dragon Agheel at the Burnt Dragon Ruins. The boss is located in the lake in the very centre of Limgrave. Fighting the Dragon on horseback is an easy way to dodge incoming attacks, and will have you taking it down pretty quickly.

Elden Ring Boss Guide: How to Beat Flying Dragon Agheel | Elden Ring

The second option is heading to the Site of Grace outside Fort Faroth in Caelid. Just next to the Site of Grace there’s a sleeping dragon, grab a weapon that inflicts bloodloss damage and repeatedly hit the dragon. Other dragons will show up, but as long as you stay at the sleeping dragons tail, nothing will attack you. Doing this will net you between 75k – 100k runes and 5 dragon hearts.

Elden Ring Lanya location and how to complete the Diallos quest | VG247

Rotten Breath

The final piece of the puzzle to beating Starscourge Radahn in Elden Ring is acquiring the dragon incantation – Rotten Breath. This spell can be purchased with a dragon heart from the Cathedral of Dragon Communion south of Caelid.

Use the altar at night to purchase the Rotten Breath spell. You’ll need 15 Faith and Arcane 12 to use this spell.

Elden Ring Cathedral of Dragon Communion Guide
Elden Ring: How to Get Rotten Breath Incantation + Location

How to beat Starscourge Radahn in Elden Ring

Now that you’ve set everything up, it’s time to destroy Radahn!

Step 1

Teleport through the portal and begin sprinting to revive your allies.

Step 2

Radahn will fire giant arrows at you, simply roll out of the way when they get close, or use the Ash of War – Bloodhound Step, which makes this section a lot easier.

Step 3

Continue reviving your allies, and checking on the arrows shooting in your direction. Eventually Radahn will send a long trail of spears from the sky that will crash into the ground, you can hold up a shield for this and you’ll take no damage. If you don’t have a shield roll out of the way just as the spears reach you.


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Step 4

By now your allies will have reached Radahn and initiated combat with him. This will give you opportunity to hop on your mount and close the gap between you and Radahn.

Step 5

Watch as your allies fight Radahn, wait until he has used a power move, then get behind him and use Rotten Breath. This will aggro him pretty quickly so hop on your mount and get out of there.

Step 6

Revive any allies that have fallen. Once all of your allies are engaged in combat with Radahn, find an opening and use Rotten Breath on him again. Now get out of there!

Step 7

You can speed the process up by hitting him, but it isn’t required.

Stay away from Radahn and continue to revive allies. The double dose of Rotten Breath you just hit Radahn with will slowly eat away at his health until his life bar hits 50%.

Step 8

When Radahn’s life bar hits 50% he’ll disappear and the music will begin to fade out. This is the start of the second phase. Radahn is quicker in this phase and uses more spells. Unfortunately the debuff you applied in the previous phase has now been cleared, so you’ll need to apply it again.

Ride around on your mount reviving allies until Radahn comes shooting in from the sky and hits the ground.

Step 9

You’ll need to be extremely patient here. Keep reviving allies, and wait for Radahn to do a power move. Apply the Rotten Breath twice using the same technique.

If you’re feeling especially brave after this you could get close to him and swing your weapon a few times. However, this isn’t necessary as the Rotten Breath will slowly take care of Radahns health. Simply ride around on your mount and pick up your allies until you get the Enemy Felled notification! Easy!

Alternative Way

Or… you could just shoot him with Comet Azur…

To get this spell, follow the video below –

If you’re looking for more Elden Ring glitches, farms, and strategies, check our YouTube channel because there will be a lot more over the next few weeks.

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VIDEO BELOW: Elden Ring Item Duplication Glitch (AFTER PATCH)

Liam Bartlett

Always chooses the Fire-Type Pokemon.