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Kingdom Come Deliverance Vitality Exploit

Kingdom Come Deliverance is essentially a peasant simulator. You’ll start the game with no money, and no particular set of skills.. you’ll even struggle with the simplest of tasks like..  moving your body around. 

A skill that levels slowly during natural exploration, combat, and everything else, is Vitality. And, unfortunately, when I say ‘levels slowly’ I’m talking snail’s pace. 

Thankfully, there is an exploit to boost your vitality quickly, and it’ll actually give Henry a fighting chance for the rest of the game. Here’s our Kingdom Come Deliverance Vitality Exploit.

Step 1

You’re going to want to head to Skalitz, this can be done right at the beginning of the game, which starts there. If you have already completed the prologue, you’ll have to watch for some often heavily armed bandits roaming around near the entrance to the town.

Step 2

From Henry’s family home, head down the path into the town, once you reach the mini horse stable on the left, turn left. 

Step 3

Follow the path, until you reach the far end of the house on your left. 

Step 4

Position yourself in the corner between the house and the small building next to it and start to jump. 

The short roof blocks Henry from doing the full animation when jumping, but you’ll still get the XP towards vitality as if you did a full jump. 

Step 5

Tie the stick on your controller so that it faces towards the house, keeping Henry walking into the corner. 

Step 6

Spam the jump button while watching YouTube (we recommend the excellent Gaming Exploits channel) on another screen. 

Step 7

The most important step, while you’re watching YT videos, watch another gaming exploits video, and  For maximum effect for this exploit, hit the subscribe button too. 

Step 8

Keep spamming jump (and watching our videos) and you should max out vitality in about 90 minutes. Repeat steps 7 and 8 until you’re done. 

Side note here: if you’re going to exploit vitality until it’s maxed out, you’re going to want to get the Insomniac perk to help with lost sleep, and maybe bring food. It’s also worth bringing a torch as you’ll upset a lot of people being out at night without a light. 

And that’s it for our Kingdom Come Deliverance Vitality Exploit! 

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